The Democrat Consortium

We need YOU!

The composition goal of this Consortium is to get at least ONE (1) DEMOCRAT ACTIVIST and ONE (1) DEMOCRAT ELECTED OFFICIAL from EVERY STATE to work on achievable goals, one issue at a time. Progressives are welcomed as long as they are “Progressive DEMOCRATS“! Does this sound like you?

If we can achieve that membership goal, we then have the expertise of AT LEAST 50 ELECTED OFFICIALS and AT LEAST 50 ACTIVIST, each bringing UNIQUE skill sets working on an issue. That is POWERFUL!

And what sets us apart from other organizations? Elected officials to help navigate and hopefully overcome obstacles. But just as importantly keep us focused on being a “Pragmatic” organization. Like Hillary said “I get things done”!

I am not a religious person. But  in my opinion Reinhold Niebuhr put it better than I ever could to describe what I envision the philosophy of this organization to be. When he wrote this prayer adopted by AA and others:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,Courage to change the things I can. And wisdom to know the difference!”

We are past TALKING and COMPLAINING and having Non-Democrats telling us what we need to do!! Our RESISTANCE will be PROBLEM SOLVING. Do YOU think you have a solution to an issue? Then this is where YOU NEED TO BE!

Members will present issues to which they think they have a VIABLE SOLUTION! We are not about things we have no control over. Such as the Russian Investigation. But Illinois became the 15th state to enact AUTOMATIC VOTER REGISTRATION. So we know it CAN BE DONE! So the question becomes “why are other states not enacting automatic Registration?” How can WE HELP make it happen in other states? Here we have a NATIONAL issue being solved by STATE ACTIVIST. We can take lessons learned from states like Illinois and other states, and partner with activist in states not yet there to MAKE IT HAPPEN!

We will use Social Media, email, GoToMeeting, and various Project management tools as an infrastructure.

So! If you are a Registered Democrat and tired of just talking and want to ACT you are eligible!

Join Us!